Yesterday there were two failed car bomb attacks in London. Today another car fire attack at Glasgow Airport. The UK terror scene appears to be active again. But they appear also to be quite dumb. The car bombs in London did not explode. There must be tons of CCV footage of these two Mercedeses, driving in the London City centre, and their drivers must be recognisable on some of the videos. The guys in Glasgow caused some damage, but then got caught and are under arrest now. This does not look very smart on their part ...
But we should take it easy: even dumb people can cause a lot of damage, if they are lucky. See London 2005, Madrid 2004, New York 2001. More of this will come, unfortunately.
How can this be stopped? How can we fight them, and how can we win? With "we" I mean the whole civilised world. Across boundaries, not just "the west". Islam is also under attack by these jerks. The resistance against those suicide bombers, car bombers, etc. must come from their own environment. The swamp of brainwashing preaching must be drained. They must become outcast, not heros.
This reminds me so much of the Nazis and Germany: the Nazis too claimed they were doing everything "for Germany", in the name of Germany. And yes, they did, had a lot of support from the country's inhabintants. But in the end, what was ruined was Germany. The same will happen to Islam. Those who fight for Islam, in the name of Islam, are ruining it, ruining its reputation, ruining its future. It is about time that people within the Islamic community speak out for Enlightenment, which is the greatest achievement of mankind. Enlightenment is what is under attack.
Soft appeasing words and sentences do not help. Appeasement did not help in 1938, nor does it help now. The friends of Enlightenment in this world need to take a strong stand. And one of the roots for these mindless actions is their religion. Spirituality can have a positive impact on human life, but in their case the worst thing of religion comes out: the absolutism, the "god is on my side, and everybody else is an infidel" attitude. It cannot be tolerated that a small minority in this world claims superiority over everybody else. They fight against the liberal life style, against clubs, against women exposing their face. This needs to be stopped.
More of these attacks will follow. No region is exempt, the terrorists will hit in regions which are not under the tight watch like London, but will hit in provincial areas where nnobody expects them. Also, they will hit in countries which have not yet shown a high profile in the current wars of Afghanistan and Iraq. For example, there are threats for attacks in Germany, although some say that Germany because of its current refusal to take a more prominent role in Afghanistan (where they are only working in the North, not in the "dangerous" south) is excempt from such terror attacks, as a reward for its appeasement tactics. This is of course BS - targets in ermany are high on the list of possible actions. Appeasement does not help whey trying to win this World War 3.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
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